
This time each year we contemplate taking up a 365 project. To take a photo every day. I'm sad to say, I've yet to make it all the way through a year. I love what the project does for us. That extra push to carry your camera and try to be mindful, to look for a shot for that day. For the days we carried and successfully got a shot, it helped capture our day to day lives. Looking back, we can go through those photos and be inspired. It can be daunting though. Pressured to come up with a shot every day often resulted in further back-log of unprocessed photos and busting out the macro lens at five-till-midnight many a night to turn something mundane, like a cheese grater, into a worthy shot.
We both love photography, but we also have other and differeing creative interests as well. This year Allie had a brilliant idea. Rather than focus souly on photography, we'll each explore creativity in any aspect. Whether through new photography, working up older photos, trying a new recipe, developing a skill, working on a project, coding something for fun, or just sitting down and reading or contemplating. We'll each strive to mindfully do something creative each day.
Before the new year began I had started building a small drawing table for my daughter. In part to practice welding and other skills, and in part because she's really taken to "drawing" and I wanted to give her somewhere stable to play. In previous weeks I welded up the table base. Today I set about determining the work surface. I started researching what it would take to glue one up, from scrap or other lumber. I'll explore what's available at the Hack Factory in coming days to see what I can work with. In the mean time, I also picked up a 12" x 36" x 1" oak board which would make a fine surface.
I'll track my progress with this and other projects in coming days and weeks.
Happy New Year!