The right kind of day

I've been feeling off lately. A bit disconnected from my family. A certain kind of lonely. And today was the right kind of day to make things feel OK.
It started with a good yoga session. I've been practicing regularly for the past several months but lately I've been looking for excuses not to go. No excuse for me today! I was rewarded with higher spirits and the observation that my posture really does seem better these days.
When I got home I was informed that our girl is really a full-on grown-up kid! She has graduated to a front-facing car seat. We tested this by piling into the car and hitting the road. Can you imagine how alarming it must be to suddenly see things moving AT you from your carseat? There were tears. There was screaming. But eventually these gave way to babbles of fascination.
We stopped to pick up the PS3 version of Rock Band, with all of its accessories, for $25 from a motivated seller on Craig's List. A steal! And then we made our way to the Science Museum. We made it there pretty late in the day but we got a lot done!
The best part of the visit was catching the tail end of the butterfly exhibit. This is a butterfly:
We thought it was really cool to hang out in a room full of butterflies but Mackenzie is not so sure about them.
The best part was coming home and cooking as a family. We learned the hard way last week that our days of going out to nice restaurants are over for awhile, but this has helped us remember how much we enjoy preparing meals together. We fired up the Big Green Egg and made some delicious pizzas!
It's been a great day and a relaxing way to renew our connection as a family. And it's now it's time for Rock Band!