I'd been chatting with her for about a week. For some reason, my email managed to catch her attention. We exchanged a few messages, and then I invited her to meet. I wasn't sure she'd agree, but she did. We met, and I was certain she was going to turn around and run the other way. "Out of my league" was the thought that crossed my mind. But she stayed, and we talked. I had a business trip the next day, we stayed in touch. The next week we met again, and again, and again. We took a camping trip, then another.
Fast forward a decade...
Not an eventful day, but an important one. A milestone. We hung out around the house, ours 2 years to the day. Cleaned some. Set up a toddler bed for Oscar after getting our girl a new mattress yesterday. Had dinner and watched a movie with our kiddos. Looked at some old emails :).
If you asked me where I'd be 10 years from now, 10 years ago - I'd have no idea. I'm glad she didn't turn around and run away! I'm incredibly lucky to have met an amazing and wonderful woman. Smart and witty, I think the laughter we shared is a big part of what kept us moving forward. Being able to laugh at each other's stupid jokes goes a long way. We've had our ups and downs, but we've made it pretty far. I hope to share many more decades with my best friend, my partner.
I love you Allie.