A lake view

This is my day 3 of my 365 project.
I was in my room, crafting with Oscar. Mom walked in. She asked us if we wanted to go on a walk with her to Lunds and to the lake. I said sure because, she also mentioned she was going to take a picture of the sunset for her day 3, and since I didn’t have anything for today yet, I figured it would be a good opportunity. So of course, I said “Sure.” and Oscar came too.
We got all geared up and went out the door. We walked down to the lake for pictures.
Mom really wanted Oscar’s long lens. I agree though, it would have made for a really great picture.
We walked on the lake a bit, took some pictures, then made our way to Lunds. It was fun.
I haven’t been on too many photo walks, but this was fun!