As I returned to a normal routine, the magic and promise of a shiny new year wore off, and I found myself in a funk.

I started to wonder what I could take a picture of. I started to wonder why I should bother. I felt sad and alone. Truly in a funk.
I tried to make myself feel better by doing a small, nice thing for my girl, and walked to meet her at the bus stop. It brightened her day to know I was there for her today. A small win!
Later, she came downstairs and gave me the longest hug. She asked me what my highlights of the day were, and I had nothing. She proceeded to share her highlights; she's doing well in school. She loves math class, and even gym.
"Now I have a highlight," I said. "It's this moment, here."
We went with Oscar to his music class and hung out at Twin Town. She found a Wicked songbook, and started to play on a store keyboard.

We went home to a family dinner, where she tried to extract highlights from the boys. They also struggled respond, but we'll give it time. Optimism doesn't come naturally to us all.
She said she felt a bond today. That's just what I needed to hear.