
Ella’s my best friend. She’s really great, actually. She’s always cheerful, happy, and so funny. She makes you laugh however you feel, happy or sad. She’s amazing at giving compliments too, and always finds the best in you.
I remember when we met. It was the first day of third grade, and I was in a new school. Covid had hit, and I had been switching schools all the time. That school was Emerson. Emerson was a Spanish dual immersion.
Anyways, I had been assigned to Mr. Nate, and found the classroom. I was late, and I joined during morning meeting. There were two open spots where I could sit on the carpet. Next to the person I now know as Ella, or the person I now know as Camila. I sat by Camila, because she was closer.
I met Ella later on, and we became best friends. Still, we cherish every moment together, and hang out a lot. Sleepovers, ice skating, we just love being together, even at school. Ever since that moment when we met, Ella has been my support, my helper, and my best friend.