A little extra love ❤️
From the moment Mom and Dad received their Penzey’s spices calendar, they’ve been opening it every day. On the last day, instead of a bag of spices, this was in the 24th day.
I was unaware of this until dad came up to me and said, “I’m buying a hug.” dropping the coin in my palm. I hugged him, and then I was deployed to do the same thing with Mom.
It was fun, and whenever I have the hug coin, I use it. It’s almost like a voucher for a hug. Whoever has it has the power to get someone to hug them.
I was up in room when I noticed that I hadn’t taken a picture today, so I decided to share this story. I practiced on angle and tried to get the perfect picture.
I was exhausted and had a rough day, and so when I came upstairs and saw this on my desk, it really brightened my day. To anyone reading this, you’re next! Expect a hug soon, because I have the power!