Rocking the Ruins

Ruins are cool. We saw ruins in Tulum, and it was really interesting! I loved seeing the ways people lived all these years ago, when so many things that exist now, weren’t invented at the time.
My favorite ruin was the one in this photo. I thought it was so fascinating, because if you look closely, you can see handprints on the ruins. And I thought it was insanely cool, because that handprint is someone’s handprint from hundreds of years ago. I personally think that’s really impressive.
It’s insane that people MADE these structures without the majority of the stuff people use to build structures now. For example, hammers. If they wanted a hammer, they would have to make it themselves, not just buy one. They had to make their own tools, and even doing that must have been tough.
I loved going here, and learning about these structures, backstories, and religions.
I also really liked learning about the gods they believed in. They had gods for many different things, wind, water, even corn. There was another ruin that was another cool one, because they carved one of the gods on this one. I liked learning about how some of the structures were built specifically for giving offerings to these gods.
I didn’t realize it before, but you can see, if you look closely, you can see the gods carved into the ruins in this photo, too. There are three on the front, and one on top, as thought it was a sign to tell you this is where you put offerings for a very important god in this culture. I presume that the cave entrance in front leads to a room where the mayans would give offerings to their gods in thanks for everything they had.
This was a really fun experience, and I loved reading and learning about how they lived back then. I would come here again!