Zooming In

I've started tracking my food intake, joining the millions of new-years-resolutioners to get a handle on my health.
I'm not generally one for resolutions - or diets - but when I was diving in Cozumel last week, I realized I needed to make some changes. I had to add almost 50% more weight to my weight belt to maintain neutral buoyancy underwater. With that much weight, I felt off-kilter, which affected my enjoyment of the dive. Even though I'm not that much heavier than the last time I went diving, I clearly have less muscle mass and more fat than the last time. I also had to buy a new, larger and stretchier wetsuit. So, yeah...
It was also alarming to go through the required health checklist, attesting that I have no heart conditions, blood pressure concerns, diabetes, and so-on. We're finally able to start diving with our kids, and it would be devastating to lose out because of poorly-managed health.
My main goal is to build muscle, so I'm gently adding some activity goals. But the first thing I can do is start with a healthy breakfast of yogurt, berries, and my own homemade granola.
Today's photo is also brought to you by me trying to figure out macro + auto-focus. It is surprisingly difficult to get it right, and I still have a lot to learn.