Future boy
Chores get done fast when VR is on the menu

I thought it would catch on a lot sooner, but VR only seems to be mainstream in our household. I impulsively bought a Rift back in 2018, after leaving a job and discovering Beat Saber at a training class.
We played it off and on over the years, confined to my cramped 10x10 office. We'd huddle on a small sofa, cheering each other on to Green Day jams.
The first time Oscar played, age 4, he shouted, "I'm in Darth Vader's house!" and spent the entire game scorching imaginary holes in the floor with his controllers. We had to turn off no-fail mode for him to have any chance of completing a level, though that wasn't his goal anyway.
Now, he's the best of all of us. I set up the VR system after leaving the another job last summer, and it's in a more convenient place for everyone. Oscar and gets through his chores right away so he can log in. It's a nice little workout, so why not?