Bunny hops
Oscar saw some bunny prints in the snow today. He decided to try for himself.

On my way back from piano lessons, Mom got a notice. The bus was in the radius. I walked over to pick him up.
His joy from seeing me made my day. He called “Cc!” and ran over to hug me, his gloves dangling from his arms. It was so cute. It was so sweet.
We walked home, talking about how his day was while he jumped in all of the snowbanks.
When we got home, I pointed out some bunny prints.
“Someone was here,” I said, showing him the bunny’s prints.
“I wonder if I can bunny hop too!” He said something like that. It made me smile. So he started showing me how.
I had my camera, so I took a picture. I love his joy, his enthusiasm, his fun-ness. We played in the snow for a few minutes, and I drew a heart in the snow with my shoe. I love it when we have moments where we’re just laughing, just playing. No bickering. No fighting. Just love. My family, my brother, my best friend.