I can do it

I am emotional, exhausted, and proud of myself. Still fighting the lingering threat of a cold, I pulled off one of my most physically demanding days -- and I did it in style.
I didn't get much sleep. I was up late reconnecting with an old friend, and at 4AM I was awakened by "monkey cry", the most severe and most difficult to hear cry that my baby can produce. It's heartbreaking. We weren't able to figure out what's up, but we were able to soothe her with cuddles. After that, she got all wiggly.
With less than 4 hours of sleep under my belt, I headed out early for another day of skiing with Wings for Women. I rocked it! I'm getting more and more comfortable on skis, leaning in and moving faster, and really learning from my instructors' advice. I honed my carving skills today, and feel that I can take on any steep without fear.
I came home exhausted and needing a nap. I only got a few minutes in before I headed to the club again for another 10-week challenge class. Power Yoga! It was hard work for my in my exhausted and emotional state, butI got through it. That's fifteen consecutive days at the gym!
Today showed me that I can do anything I put my mind to.